Saturday, November 15, 2014

Enhancing Learning with Visiuals

  This week we have covered the chapter 8 which is enhancing learning with visuals. I can say that using of visual for learning is important for students learning, because using visual in classroom encourage students to thinking visually and helps them gaining new skills. Apart from the posters and textbooks, technology plays an important role to creating visual materials.

  When I was at elementary school and high school, my teachers were not enthusiastic about using visuals in the classroom. Although technology was not as developed as today, still we had many facilities to using visuals in classroom with the help of the technology. I think that perception of teaching and education are changing day by day, so teachers have to keep up with the new improvements in the teaching area and they have to improve themselves.

There are various sort of  visuals for using  in the classroom to effect students learning ability in a positive way such as pictures, drawings  posters, graphs, cartoons etc. As a prospective teacher, I think that using these sort of visuals motivate students and increase their effort in the classroom. In the future, I am planning to use all sort of visual in classroom as much as I can, of course in a meaningful and appropriate contexts.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

About the Vocabularysize Test

This vocabulary test is quite amusing. During the test I could not estimate that how will be the next question's vocabulary item. Also, the test made me realize that there are so many words I do not know. As a foreign speaker of English language, I have taken several number of tests before. To be honest, this type of vocabulary tests improve my current knowledge about my vocabulary level. When I get the results of test, the results are more or less the same each other. Additionally, this type of tests provide me to learn a new vocabulary item, so I always find very useful these tools. In the future, I am planning to force my students to do this types of vocabulary tests and I will ask them to their reflection about the tests.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Snappy Words

Just The Word

This site provides and gives us tho word collocations and word combinations.

Word and Phrase

It is very useful toll for both English teachers and students. By using this site, you can see the word different meanings, collocations, uses of word frequency. I think it is very helpful.

The Online Graded Text Editor

It is one of the useful site for determining English words level in a given text.