Sunday, December 14, 2014

Enhancing Learning with Video

Using video in classrooms can be beneficial for student's learning. As a prospective teacher, we can use video in the classroom to introduce a topic, to review content, to provide remediation and to promote enrichment in the future. We always consider that there are different types of learner types such as kinesthetic, auditory and visual learners. I think most important thing is about our job is that defining different types of learners in the classroom and choosing a strategy to being more beneficial for their learning process.
Using video in classrooms has many advantages. We can develop students understanding about the topic by using related video in the classroom. When I was at high school, since technology had not been developed as much as today, we had no enough opportunity to use video or other technological materials to use in the classroom. We had to depend on only our course books and our teachers abstained using bag of tricks in the classroom, but now technology have been developed day by day. We have many opportunities to take advantage of improving students learning process. I think that as a teacher we never abstain using technology such as visual materials, audio and video in the classroom. Using technology as much as help students for learning processes, also help us to improve our proficiency in using technology.

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