Saturday, December 13, 2014

Enhancing Learning with Audio

Altough hearing and listening are interelated, they are not the same thing. Both of them are communication and learnning process. In order to develop student's listening skills, usinf auditorial material migh be beneficial for them. As a teacher, we can use number of techniquies to improve student listenin abilities such as guiding listening, giving directions, asking students to listen for main ideas and using context in listening, analyizing the structure of presentation and distinguishing between revelant and irrevelant irrevelant information. There are types of auditoraial materials which we use in the classroom such as digital audio, analog audio, podcasting, streamin audio and internet radio. Using these material has many advantages. First of all, these are readily available, simple to use and portable. Secondly, these are inexpensive. Once storage devices and equipment have been purchased, there is no additional cost because the storage are erasible and reusable. Third one is that reproductive. We can duplicate audiotapes and digital files with the appropriate software and equipment.Fourth one is that provides verbal message to enhance learning. That is to say, students who have limitated reading ability can learn from audio media by listening and following along with visial and text material. Lastly, auditorial materials offer current information. That is, web-based audio is often a broadcast of live speechs, presentations, or performances. Briefly, using audio in classrooms improves students learning in second language and provides students participation in class.

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