Monday, April 20, 2015

Constructivist Approach

The teacher is consistent with the constructivist approach in the video. Sarabinh emphasises the importance of group discussion in the classroom in order to develop students' interaction with each other and the teacher as part of either whole class activities, small group activities. They practice using language in a variety of context developing many different skills as they do so. One of the advantages of constructivist approach is that classroom bases on student-centered. In this way, classroom is more focus on students learning than on teacher teaching. Students' language use and language development are foster in constructivist based classroom environment.
I think that it is not necessary to any drawbacks this kind of teaching environment. With the help of constructivist approach, students have control over their thinking skills. What I liked the most is that in the video, teacher is like a conductor of a symphony. In the future, I think that I would be comfortable using constructivist approach.


  1. You have an obsession with teachers *conducting symphonies* :) I agree, I like the constructivist approach as well, student interaction is also nice. This approach puts emphasis on practice and use of knowledge, therefore I don't see any drawbacks either ;)

  2. You have an obsession with teachers *conducting symphonies* :) I agree, I like the constructivist approach as well, student interaction is also nice. This approach puts emphasis on practice and use of knowledge, therefore I don't see any drawbacks either ;)

  3. As I mentioned that it is not necessary to any drawbacks because constructivist approach provides students what they really need to develop their thinking and using language skills.
