Sunday, April 19, 2015

Differentiated Instruction

     Each and every individual has unique features and different learning styles, strategies and intelligence. There are different kinds of multiple intelligences such as visual, kinesthetic, interpersonal etc. With regard to educational area, we should aware of this differences and take a step considering the different learner types. I think that personalizing tasks depending on students interest and learning styles can foster learning period and makes task more meaningful for them. when the tasks are meaningful and address students interest, they can learn naturally.
     From my previous experiences, I had never have teacher who considers our interests and learning styles, and encourages us to complete our tasks.  We had always same kinds of materials that we were responsible to them. Inevitably, learning was not meaningful for us and it was boring. We acted only grading focus in lessons and there were competition that "who gets the highest point". Actually, now, there are still this kind of competition among students and I don't think that teachers differentiate the task depending on the students profile, that's why sharing and collaborative working are not common among us.
    In the future, I am planning to differentiate tasks considering the learners' learning style because it is much more beneficial for students' learning processes. By doing so, I think that teachers more helpful for their cognitive developments


  1. I think differentiated instruction is more prevalent in primary school and for younger learners. By the time students reach secondary education, the syllabus is driven by standardized and centralized testing. This tends to force teachers (and students) into following a 'one size fits all' approach. There are ways to introduce differentiation as you mention, but it adds a lot to the workload of teachers, and students (and their parents) may feel that their students are not being treated 'equally' as a result. But that shouldn't stop you from trying. Good luck!

  2. Even if differentiated instruction adds more workload to teachers, I think that it is one of the duty of teachers to considering different learner types,but unfortunately, although many teachers know that every students has unique intelliegence, they treated them as if they are equal, and thus, boring and unseccuesful learning environment occurs. It is one of the negativity of education system in Turkey. Many students cognitive development in teachers' hands in that manner, but 'one size fits all' logic causes unsuccesful environment in classrooms.
