Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Be Creative: Jigsaw Story Writing

 Most students don't like writing activities in class, because during writing activities they have difficulty to engage the tasks. Using creative activities get students' attention on task and they make the lesson more entertaining for them. I want to share one of my writing lesson plan. I use jigsaw activity for this lesson.This activity helps them to work collaboratively. Also, it is very communicative!

Step 1: Put your students into groups of three (the diagram below shows the arrangement of the groups).

 Step 2: Give each group one of the pictures, so everyone in the group has the same picture, pictures contain one event of the story, to discuss and write.

Step 3: Working together within their group, students write a paragraphs describing in their picture.

Step 4: Reorganize the groups of five (the diagram below shows arrangement of the groups). Each student having description of one part of the story.

Step 5: Ask students to assemble the parts into a narrative, making necessary modifications to generate a logical story.

I prefer an adventure story for the jigsaw story writing. The pictures are at the bellow:

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