Friday, May 15, 2015

Changing the Educational Paradigms

      I think that this video such an eye opener about the current education system. Current education system doesn't give any change to students to improve their creativity and find their intelligences and interests. Students divide into their age groups instead of their abilities. "One size fits all" approach obligate all students to take the same 'standardized' exam, so in order to pass the exam and deserve a god job in the future -students are being conditioned that if they had high points 'standardized' exams, they would deserve a god job in the future-instead of finding out their interest and abilities. I think that one size fits all approach is hitting the nail on the head. It kills creativity and critical thinking skills. Inevitably, many potentials are being killed day by day in the current system.

       Ironically, even if I support the idea that encouraging divergent thinking and creativity, I will have to apply current education system's standardized curriculum and exams in my future classes. I think -unfortunately- without reforming public education system, teachers have to be a part of this standardized education system.


  1. It's a 'chicken and egg' scenario -- where will the pressure for reform come first? From the government, the teachers, the students, or the parents? It seems most people agree that reform is necessary, but nothing seems to change...

  2. Maybe as teachers, we can direct students according to their intelligences, interests and abilities. In that manner, working with parents and inform them abour their children interest can be a step for helping students to find out their talents, so they don't have to be exposure standardization.
