Monday, March 9, 2015


     There is a website that you can style a hero and choose characteristic for it. Here it is my Superhero Teacher :) I created her considering some characheristics that teachers should have. I preferred wearing mask to her because teachers are good actors/actress that s/he should never show own personal feelings in some situations. For example, sometimes problematic situations may occur between two students in the classroom. Even the teacher knows what is the source of problem/ who created this problem, s/he should not show his/her feelings and give a chance two students to explain themselves equally or teacher should leave his/her personal issues behind the classroom door and act normally.
Also, I preferred cloak for her. The reason why I chose cloak that generally we are role model for students. Teacher should solve problems and answer the questions very gently. Especially for young learners, not only in the classroom but outside the classroom they need us. When required we can provide some kind of supporting to them outside the classroom.
Furthermore, I chose clock and springs because we should have time management skills. Having good time management skill makes our life easy and springs symbolizes jumping skills metaphorically. That is to say, in some situation students need the teacher while doing individual project during the lesson and they might need some help. In that situation, teacher can come to help for all students.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Instructional Goals and Objectives

      As a student I am familiar with instructional objectives that my instructors give me within the course syllabus at the beginning of the semesters. I have chance to know where I am going and what is expected to me. In a more professional manner, what are instructional objectives? " A learning objective is a statement that specifies in behavioral (measurable) terms what a learner will be able to do as a result of instruction. It describes the intended outcome of your instruction rather than a description or summary of your content. It is but one of several steps that should be followed when developing instruction. Instructional objectives provide both you and your students with section direction. " (Morrison, 2004, p.1)  Sharing instructional objectives with the students is important, because when we shared instructional objectives with them, number of things happen; 1.)Better instruction occurs 2.)More efficient learning results 3.)Better evaluation occurs 4.)Students become self-evaluators.
      Instructional objectives can come from numerous sources such as textbooks and syllbi, Internet and state and national standards. Also, there are some important points for giving instructional objectives. They must be student-oriented, not a teacher-oriented. For example; "Teacher will teach present perfect tense" is not a good instructional objective. Instead of this "Students will be able to use present perfect tense by producing 100% grammatically correct sentences" is overtly student-oriented and effective instructional objective. Additionally, instructional objective must be clear, understandable and observable. Key to an observable objectives is an observable verbs such as describe, use, list etc. Bloom's taxonomy verbs list can help us to write clear instructional objectives.
Furthermore, there are three simple steps for writing effective instructional objectives. These are; specify the general goals, break down the goals into more specific, observable objectives and Check objectives for clarity and appropriateness. A final check of your work may save you the embarrassment of trying to explain your students what it was that you really meant to say.
And what is more? Well-defined instructional objectives can help us to focus our planning, planning effective instructional events and planning valid evaluation procedures. The process of writing instructional objectives force us to decide, out of all the material to be covered.  Also, well defined instructional objectives can be a great help to us and our students during the teaching process.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Effective Teacher

     As a student of teacher training programme, I've begin to set some criteria on my mind about which characteristics make teacher effective and efficient. I think effective teacher should be well-prepared for each and every lesson and s/he makes difficult topics easy to understand by using examples, details and analogies. Also effective teacher makes materials not only understandable but memorable. Furthermore, teaching is not meant to be teaching only information and definitions. An effective teacher should be energetic and dynamic person. If s/he enjoys teaching, also students enjoy learning; thus, teacher creates dynamic and lively teaching environment. As long as students love learning, teacher can be more efficient in the classroom.
     Also, good classroom management skill helps teacher to be effective in the classroom. It is important to set some classroom rules at the beginning of the semester and make them to understand classroom policy, but these rules shouldn't be too rigid and being nice to students is important. If teacher cares students and their different needs and respects their personalities, students understand this, so respectful teaching environment will occur automatically. In addition to them, if teacher keeps any reflection journal, it will help him/her in the future. Teacher can see what s/he have done so far, where s/he is going to etc. I think that this kind of reflection is important because teacher can evaluate his/her teaching and criticize him/herself easily.