Monday, March 9, 2015


     There is a website that you can style a hero and choose characteristic for it. Here it is my Superhero Teacher :) I created her considering some characheristics that teachers should have. I preferred wearing mask to her because teachers are good actors/actress that s/he should never show own personal feelings in some situations. For example, sometimes problematic situations may occur between two students in the classroom. Even the teacher knows what is the source of problem/ who created this problem, s/he should not show his/her feelings and give a chance two students to explain themselves equally or teacher should leave his/her personal issues behind the classroom door and act normally.
Also, I preferred cloak for her. The reason why I chose cloak that generally we are role model for students. Teacher should solve problems and answer the questions very gently. Especially for young learners, not only in the classroom but outside the classroom they need us. When required we can provide some kind of supporting to them outside the classroom.
Furthermore, I chose clock and springs because we should have time management skills. Having good time management skill makes our life easy and springs symbolizes jumping skills metaphorically. That is to say, in some situation students need the teacher while doing individual project during the lesson and they might need some help. In that situation, teacher can come to help for all students.

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