Saturday, March 7, 2015

Effective Teacher

     As a student of teacher training programme, I've begin to set some criteria on my mind about which characteristics make teacher effective and efficient. I think effective teacher should be well-prepared for each and every lesson and s/he makes difficult topics easy to understand by using examples, details and analogies. Also effective teacher makes materials not only understandable but memorable. Furthermore, teaching is not meant to be teaching only information and definitions. An effective teacher should be energetic and dynamic person. If s/he enjoys teaching, also students enjoy learning; thus, teacher creates dynamic and lively teaching environment. As long as students love learning, teacher can be more efficient in the classroom.
     Also, good classroom management skill helps teacher to be effective in the classroom. It is important to set some classroom rules at the beginning of the semester and make them to understand classroom policy, but these rules shouldn't be too rigid and being nice to students is important. If teacher cares students and their different needs and respects their personalities, students understand this, so respectful teaching environment will occur automatically. In addition to them, if teacher keeps any reflection journal, it will help him/her in the future. Teacher can see what s/he have done so far, where s/he is going to etc. I think that this kind of reflection is important because teacher can evaluate his/her teaching and criticize him/herself easily.


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  2. here is the question :

    You are teaching a course in which your students have to complete certain tasks and then write a reflection based on the questions that you are giving them. One of the reflection questions is "How did this experience make you feel?" and one of the students challenges you as a teacher by copying and pasting Chopin's "Funeral March" as an answer to that question and expresses his/her feelings through that.

    As an effective teacher,
    1- how would you handle this situation with the student and what sort of feedback would you give based on "teach like you are conducting a symphony" ?
